To get around the North Zone and baixada Fluminense, there is the option of SuperVia trains. SuperVia has 8 train lines in Rio de Janeiro and Region and 103 train stations.

For those who are visiting in Rio and want to use the urban train, an alert: avoid this service at peak times (until 10:00 am and 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm). The wagons are almost always overcrowded and rarely can you have a quiet trip. Anyway, it’s an alternative to city traffic. Through the train lines, you can reach places such as cacique de Ramos, Centro Luiz Gonzaga de Tradições Nordestinas, Mercadão de Madureira, and
blocks of some of the most traditional Samba Schools, such as Mangueira, Portela and Beija-Flor, for example.

Payments by cash, RioCard or supervia card are accepted.


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